“When I was a kid growing up in this neighborhood, there wasn’t any public space for me to play with other kids. Everyone was living behind these high walls that you see everywhere. Now I have a kid, I want him to have someone to play with and to get connected to the neighborhood. I remembered someone once asked permission to use the park behind the Public Relations Department to hold a market event. So I decided to propose a project with an architect firm called Emo-D and K.Tech to build a playground there. I took care of the project and the donations as well. When it was my birthday or my kid’s birthday, I told people not to buy us anything, just donate to the playground! In the end, we had a lot of Ari’s parents who donated enough to build this playground and we now own it together.
In the future, I may well raise money to build similar spaces for older kids.”
San, owner of @arifitbangkok
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