“Ari is great for cafe-hopping and Instagramming, but beyond that, there’s not that much to do here. Before Covid, we had planned to renovate the second floor of Hor Hidden and make it a space for sports activities. It was all planned out, but the pandemic happened. Sadly, I had to halt the project.

I started renting part of my relative’s house to open Hor Hidden. That was eight years ago; I opened it because I wanted Ari to have a late-night coffee shop – so I could work there too. The original Hor Hidden is actually at the back of the current one. You have to walk through a tiny alleyway. It was a bit hidden corner which sold only dessert and drinks.

You’d find me tucked away in this little corner working and serving customers. People could bring whatever food they wanted here. It was like a friend’s house. I can’t wait to open it again, and this time pets will be allowed too!”

Om, owner of @horhiddencafe

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